
21 October 2008

Nature Has Patience

Never does it rush the seasons! Never will it pay more to have it faster! It will wait... occasionally switching a summer day for a fall, or a winter for a spring, but the seasons remain unchanged.

Song: Breakin' Up, Rilo Kiley (Love the bass line)

Media: I can always count on my CD's. Never will I put in OK Computer and suddenly receive Hilary Duff, or some American Idol popularity contestant music. I can count on the shows I like. Never will I turn on the Office and get America's Next Top Model. I can be safe from disappointment... being a sports fan is not so pleasant.

Image: COPYRIGHT :) by Diego Morrell - our mid semester review is tomorrow


krystamae said...

I appreciated that conversation :)

krystamae said...

Can I have half credits? I'll take quarter!